The Company has established guidelines of justified and equitable treatment of shareholders and undertook the following tasks:
- The shareholders shall be offered an opportunity to propose extra issue(s) as the meeting agenda(s) and question(s) concerning the Company prior to the shareholders’ meeting date. Consequently, this shall be notified via the SET’s communication channel(s). In addition, explicit criteria for the rights of shareholders to propose agendas for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and the questions being sent in advance shall be notified via corporate website.
- The shareholders shall be offered an opportunity to nominate any candidate(s) for election as director prior to the shareholders’ meeting via SET’s communication channel(s). The notification of the nomination criteria shall be disseminated via corporate website. The candidate(s) shall have complete qualifications as defined in director’s specifications and give their consent for nomination. Then, the application form including required documents shall be submitted to the Company in order to continue nomination procedures by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.
- The shareholders’ meeting shall be convened in accordance with the agenda(s) notified in the meeting notice. Corporate policy of no extra agenda(s) added without prior notice shall be set. According to the Section 105 of Public Limited Company Act B.E. 2535 (1992), any extra issue(s) shall not be added in meeting agenda if it is not necessity, especially crucial issue(s) which the shareholders require a great deal of time to study relevant information before making decision.
- The Company shall regularly disseminate information to shareholders through SET’s communication channel(s), the Company’s website, and The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) by considering the equitable rights to access news and prohibiting any actions which limit the shareholders to access such information or obstruct communication between the shareholders.
- The Company shall have information security system and written procedures concerning the use and protection of inside information. The Company’s Board of Directors, executives, employees, and all related persons, including spouse, minor children, and nominees or professional consultants shall be supervised to follow the rules and information security system.
- The Company shall conduct market-sensitive information management by prohibiting the person(s) related to inside information to disclose the information prior to the public disclosure via SET. Directors and executives shall be notified to refrain from the Company’s stock trading prior to the periodic disclosure of performance and financial status as well as the crucial market-sensitive information disclosure in order to promote fairness to the shareholders.
- All Directors and high-level executives are designated to submit a report on their ownership of the Company’s securities within 30 business days after they take office. In addition, they must report all subsequent sales or purchase of the Company’s securities at least one day in advance to the Director in charge or the assigned person in order to notify SEC within three business days from the transaction date as stated by the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992).
- Each director shall notify the connected transaction(s) of oneself to the Company Secretary. The Board of Directors shall consider such transaction(s), especially one that may involve in the conflict of interest, to ensure the Company’s and the shareholders’ utmost benefits. The meeting minutes shall also contain the connected transaction(s) disclosed by the directors. The director(s) with significant connected transaction(s) shall be ensured to abstain from participating in the consideration of certain agenda(s).
- The Board of Directors shall manage and monitor the matter(s) which may have the conflict of interest as well as determine the practice which complies with the operation procedures and rules on disclosure of information as prescribed by law. In doing so, the Company shall disclose any related party transaction that required the approval from the shareholders. The reasonable clarification for each transaction must be submitted to the Audit and Corporate Governance Committee and pass the Board of Directors’ consideration before proposing to the Shareholders for approval respectively. The transaction can be proceeded after the approval only.