The event, titled “Welcome to Hangout,” introduced “Hangout” the series under the supervision of Mono Original and produced by Act Art Generation Company Limited, led by the organizer Bebe-Eknaree Wachirabunjong. The series directed by Aof-Pongpat Wachirabunjong, features five leading actresses in the Thai entertainment industry: Pock-Piyathida, Donut-Manatsanun, Pancake-Khemanit, Kwan-Usamanee, and Chippy-Sirin. This collaboration marks their first joint project.
The executive team of Mono Next Public Company Limited, led by Mr. Patompong Sirachairat, CEO, Mrs.Thanya Wachirabunjong, Chief Production Officer, Mr.Veerayooth Bodharamik, Senior Vice President of Corporate Relations Management, Ms. Pitirudee Sirisamphan, Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Communications, and Ms. Hataithip Mudjui, Vice President of the Online Movie Business or Mono Streaming Company Limited, along with Ms.Pattamanun Puntprasert, Head of 3BB TV Business at 3BB TV Company Limited, participated in the event on November 14, 2023, at VARAVELA Garden Hall, Nawamin.
The series “Hangout” written by Thanya Wachirabunjong, reflects the diverse lifestyles of a group of five female friends. They come together to hang out, exchange experiences, and share their joys and sorrows, often revolving around love, family, husbands, and children. Despite their different backgrounds and perspectives, conflicts arise, revealing hidden emotions and secrets that they dare not disclose. However, during their Hangout sessions, each person unveils their own secrets for everyone to hear. Join in to peel away the layers of 5 different kinds of love in the series “Hangout” nationwide starting this Friday, November 17, on MONOMAX.