Training and Communication

6.5 Training and Communication


  1. Supervisors of all levels are required to comprehend this policy in order to communicate to employees under control and to ensure that the policy be applied efficiently.
  2. Education on Anti-Corruption and bribery shall be provided to all employees regularly in order that they realize policies against corruption, different forms of bribery, and risks of involvement in corruption. Employees can find the Anti-Corruption Policy and latest updates on the Company’s website and the Company’s intranet
  3. This policy shall be part of the orientation for all new employees of the Company.

Agents, intermediaries, business partners, product/ service distributors, and related persons

  1. The Company shall inform about the policy against corruption to agents, intermediaries, business partners, product/ service distributors, and related persons from the beginning of business cooperation and/ or afterward as appropriate.

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