Page 99 - MONO_AR_2016_EN
P. 99

Anti-Corruption Policy
Adhering to good corporate governance practices, the Company operates its businesses and carries out the management within the frame of laws, ethical principles and code of conducts. With its commitment to act against any corrupted conduct which can affect the development of national economy, society, and security. The Company therefore announces the intention to become a member of Thailand’s Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption (CAC) and establishes Anti-Corruption Policy in the Company’s Business Code of Conduct that institutes the groundwork of efficient internal control system as well as cultivates a good sense of honesty and morality for employees. Details of the practice are as follows:
1. The anti-corruption shall be embedded into corporate culture which cultivates a good sense and values towards anti-corruption. Employees will be encouraged to work with honesty as well as to respect rules, laws, regulations, and the Company’s policies.
2. Riskassessmentshallbecarriedoutonaperiodicbasisinordertosetappropriatemeasuresforrisk management and be able to prevent risks to an accepted level. The Risk Management Committee shall monitor the process.
3. Internalcontrolsystemshallincludecheckingoverfinance,accounting,documentkeeping,andother business processes. There shall be internal control procedures, monitor, and assessment in order to report to executives, the Audit Committees, and the Board of Directors for acknowledgement.
4. The Company shall communicate, disseminate, and educate employees and business related persons via intra net and bulletin boards so that they comply with the policy. In 2016, the Company held a knowledge sharing course on risk management and anti-corruption to executives and supervisors. The Anti-Corruption Policy was also included in the orientation course for new employees.
5. It shall be prohibited to support any offerings, or facilitations, or bribes to external parties in exchange for doing or refraining from doing any acts in an unethical manner for inappropriate business settlements.
6. Itshallbeprohibitedtoreceiveanypropertiesorextra-benefitsfromexternalpartieswhicharegiventoinfluence unethical decision making of one’s duties or refrain from doing one’s duties. However, there is an exception for gifts that are presented in traditional occasions. In addition, the gifts should not be cash and their values must not exceed 3,000 Baht.
7. TheCompanyshallprovidechannelsforwhistle-blowingonanysuspiciousactsofcorruptioninvolvedwith the Company either directly or indirectly. Such acts shall be informed to the Audit Committee or the Company Secretary or Whistleblower and confidentiality protection shall be provided to prevent any problems or injustice arising from the whistle-blowing. Investigating procedures and penalties for persons who violate the rule shall be determined as well.
8. As being a part of prevention and promotion on anti-corruption practices, the Company shall give support to any kind of activities organized by the anti-corruption bodies and organizations.
On October 14, 2016, the Company was certified a membership of Thailand’s Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption (CAC) according to the resolution of CAC committee in the third quarter of 2016. The Company received the certificate of membership from Mr. Krirk-Krai Jirapaet, Director of CAC. The certification of the membership lasts for 3 years.
Annual Report 2016
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