Page 98 - MONO_AR_2016_EN
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1. Every stakeholder shall be treated under the principles of Human Rights with realization of their human rights and dignity.
2. TheCompanyshallpromoteimpartialityandequitabletreatmentwithoutanydiscrimination.Thereshallbeno violation of an individual’s rights neither by verbal or action because of his/her difference in terms of nationality, gender, age, religious, place of birth, language, culture, education, physical appearance, economic and social status, attitude, believe, etc.
3. Respectforhumandignityshallbeprovidedtoallemployeeswhowillbeencouragedtoexercisetheir legitimate rights in accordance with the Constitution and other laws. In doing so, knowledge should be given to all employees in a manner that benefits their understanding on the laws prescribing about rights and duties, and responsibilities of themselves as well as respect for other’s rights and duties. The Company shall also promote the good relationship building activities that every employee can adopt as guidelines.
4. Personalinformationofstakeholdersshallbekeptconfidential.Thereshallbenobreachoforunlawful exploitation from such personal information. The disclosure or utilization of such personal information must be approved by the owner, except for the lawful action according to the laws, regulations and the Company’s Articles of Association.
5. Thereshallbethefollow-upprocessthatmonitorsandcontrolstheCompany’sbusinessoperationand performance of employees to avoid any action that involves in human rights infringement.
Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy
The Company commits to act in strict compliance with the copyright and intellectual property laws by upholding the following guidelines.
1. Any work that employees generate as assigned or for the Company in the course of their employment shall be deemed copyrighted by the Company. Consequently, all copyrighted works as stipulated by this policy shall be submitted to the Company; regardless of any format they are created.
2. TheCompanyshallprotecttheCompany’sbenefitsbyundertakingtheofficialregistrationoftrademark,patent, copyright, and intellectual properties in order to avoid any infringement by other individuals.
3. To ensure the appropriate use of computers and information technology in compliance with the laws and regulations namely “Computer Network and Internet Safety Regulations” and the Computer Related Crime Act. B.E. 2550 (2007), there shall be the Information Technology Unit that is responsible for monitoring and controlling the use of computer network and internet. For example, all computer programs and software needs license verification and their installation must be authorized by Information Technology Unit. Any wrongful action or noncompliance with the regulations shall be considered as a disciplinary offence.
4. The Company shall comply with the copyright and intellectual property laws, for example, Thai Trademark Act, Thai Patent Act, and Thai Copyright Act, including other related laws. The Company shall provide the employees with the training course on intellectual property laws as well as promote their participation.
5. The use of external party’s copyrighted work or information, of which the rights are acquired , or for internal use, shall be ensured that it shall not cause a liability for breaches of intellectual property rights.

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